Speed Skating Canada


Speed Skate Nova Scotia’s responsibilities in the area of coaching are:

  • To ensure athletes in every stage of development have access to appropriately certified coaches.
  • To ensure coaches have access to appropriate training in a timely and cost effective manner.
  • To ensure that coaches remain current
  • To recognize the success and celebrate the contribution of coaches.

Speed skating coaches are trained through the Coaching Association of Canada’s National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). This program develops coaches to work with athletes at all levels, from community to high performance sport.

Mandate of the Speed Skate Nova Scotia Coaching Committee:

The Coaching Committee is responsible for the development, support, and oversight of the coaches in Nova Scotia. It will work with the provincial clubs to ensure that there are sufficient qualified coaches to support club programs throughout the province, that coaching programs are carried out in accordance with Speed Skating Canada’s guidelines on coaching and athlete development, and that training and development opportunities are available to coaches in the province in order to develop both local club and high performance coaches.

The committee will work in collaboration with the New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland associations to share resources for coaching development wherever possible, and will liaise with the Coaching Development Committee and the Long Track Coach and Regional Development Mentor from Speed Skating Canada regarding SSC’s national coaching programs.

The committee is responsible for advising the Finance Committee of the resources needed to fund these activities, for working with the Finance Committee on the development of funding submissions, and for administering the funds included in the committee’s budget.

The membership will include coaches from each of the clubs. The Chair will be selected by the committee members from among their number.

Coaching Resources

Coaching Association of Canada

The Coaching Association of Canada provides resources for coaches from every sport.

Their website outlines the fundamental roles of all coaches and their nationally recognized coaching certification process, and provides extensive resources for coaches.

CAC recently issued a new coaching guide Coaching Masters Athletes.

Speed Skating Canada

Speed Skating Canada provides additional sport-specific coaching resources.

Speed skating’s Long Term Participant and Athlete Development (LTPAD) model is the foundation for all of its athlete development programs. The publication Racing on Skates provides a full overview of the development and application of this model.

Some speed skating specific resources:

Learn To Skate

Learn To Skate Lesson Plans